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Senior School Curriculum

The pupil is at the heart of everything we do.

Huddersfield Grammar School provides our pupils with the right toolset to succeed in the world beyond school with an education that is tailored for individual needs and interests.

Our daughter has thrived in the Huddersfield Grammar School environment. I am convinced that she will achieve her maximum potential and is happy there.

-Parent, Huddersfield Grammar School


An array of subjects for pupils to choose from.

The curriculum for our Senior School offers a wide range of subjects. GCSE options are chosen at the end of Year 9 in consultation with parents and pupils to ensure a balanced curriculum. The Core subjects are English Language, English Literature and Mathematics, but we also expect pupils to take Science subjects and a Modern Foreign Language.

In Science, we expect most pupils to study Biology, Chemistry and Physics, though a small number choose to study Combined Science. Each subject has its own well-equipped laboratory and experienced specialist staff supported by a laboratory technician.

School Assemblies, PSHE and Citizenship offer religious as well as personal, social and health education.

There are tests and assessments throughout the year with a formal exam at the end of the summer term. Year 10 take examinations in May with Years 7 to 9 exams in June. Year 11 have their GCSE trial exams in January.

Written reports are sent to parents twice a year with streamlined reports each half-term and Parents’ Evenings take place at critical times in the pupils’ progress.

Subjects we offer

Learn more. Download our prospectus.

Huddersfield Grammar School

Enquiries :+39.055.495061