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Co-Curricular Activities

Enhancing the curriculum.

At Huddersfield Grammar school we know that undertaking co-curricular activities has far-ranging benefits for a child’s development. Our vast co-curricular programme provides opportunities for pupils to participate in wider school life and enhance their timetabled curriculum.

The school offers a range of clubs and activities including sports, science, technology, creative, musical and artistic opportunities.

Activities include:

Our pupils love to engage in a wide range of sports in addition to the timetabled curriculum. Depending on the season, these can include Basketball, Football, Yoga, Gymnastics, Cricket, Netball, Table Tennis and Athletics to name but a few.

Music and Drama

The talents of our young performers are nurtured and showcased throughout the school with a variety of performing arts activities such as a school band, strings group, multiple choirs, LAMDA and productions.


Opportunities to further explore science, technology, engineering, and Maths are available through clubs such as the F1 Project, UKROC Rocketry Challenge, STEM, Maths Wizards and Computing Club.

School Council and Forums

Being a representative for the pupil voice is a much sought-after position. Leading both school-based and community projects, members have the opportunity to develop their teamwork and communication skills, learn how to effectively share ideas and plan and make decisions.

Download our co-curricular timetables

Ignite Programme

IGNITE takes place on Wednesday afternoons and involves students from Year 7 - 11.

It is a chance for our pupils to customise a lesson a week in their timetable to suit their interests by choosing from a plethora of activities.

We believe our programme ignites passion, hearts and minds and reflects wider society and life beyond the classroom.

To view our programme, view our IGNITE brochure below.


Available from 7:30am - 5:30pm

Huddersfield Grammar School offers wraparound care for all pupils from the Nursery to the Senior School. We aim to provide a safe, secure and stimulating environment for our pupils both before and after school.

The Breakfast Club and After School Club are available from 7.30am to 8.30am and 3.15pm to 5.30pm each school day during term time. Breakfast is provided during the morning session and a light meal is available during the afternoon session.

These services are available to pre-book via the School’s communication app, Cognita Connect. Bookings for same day attendance at the After School Club are possible up until 2.00pm each day.


Giving our pupils new experiences.

Educational trips and residentials provide an essential part of school life and offer unique opportunities for character learning such as 'learning by doing' and encourage pupils to engage with people, places and buildings in new ways.

Throughout the year pupils are given the opportunity to take part in a variety of experiences from day trips relating to the curriculum, to overnight residentials in the UK and cultural trips overseas.

Examples include:
  • Nursery, Reception and Pre-Preparatory: visits to the farm, safari park, airport, Eureka! Museum, local woodlands and the pantomime.

  • Preparatory: residentials in Llandudno, outdoor education centres and bushcraft experiences, plus an annual pantomime and theme park trip.

  • Senior School: day trips to York and Malham, Theatre and music experiences, overnight residentials in London, annual ski trip and European trips for arts, culture and languages.

  • Annual Senior School Ski Trip and Sporting Tours.

Huddersfield Grammar School

Enquiries :01484 424 549